HCBS Waiver Program

We here at M.R.S. have often complained over the last twenty years of advocating for seniors, that it was unfortunate that our senior couples were forced to be split up when one of them became ill and in need of advanced levels of care. The “Ill Spouse” only had the option of receiving financial assistance from Medi-Cal for high-cost levels of care if they were admitted to a Long-Term Care Facility nursing home.
We are extremely happy to inform you and all of our friends in the senior industry that Medi-Cal has recently implemented a new program which is part of the Affordable Care Act which is an absolute game-changer for our senior couples.
We are pleased to announce that Medi-Cal will now help with high-level care needs for ill spouses at home without the need to physically separate our senior couples who, up until now only had the option of institutionalizing the ill-spouse.
I welcome any questions that you may have regarding this amazing new program. It has always been our goal to preserve the financial independence for our at-home spouses. We are extremely proud to provide our seniors with expert advocacy with planning and application assistance so that senior couples can receive care at home and remain there as long as financially possible.